To allow our children to appreciate their own History and that of the wider World whilst developing their curiosity and providing them with historical enquiry skills which will equip them to understand and gain personal fulfilment from its study.
The study of history should be enjoyable and challenging. Our practice aims to develop children’s natural curiosity with their own past into a general interest of the past. We aspire to build historical knowledge, skills and engagement as children progress through school. We aim to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all, maximising the outcomes for children so that they know more, remember more and understand more. We want the children to leave school with a comprehensive knowledge of key British and international events and dates throughout history. By building fluency of these important events and dates, the children are then able to deepen their understanding of the past and learn a variety of historical enquiry skills. To support this goal, our curriculum is rooted in oracy and the exposure to high quality of vocabulary for all learners.
In order to develop an awareness of the past, we believe it is important that, where possible, children are able to develop an awareness of history in context. It is increasingly important that, in a fast-changing local environment, children understand the history and background of the people and industries that have shaped life in North East England. We therefore recognise the importance of teaching local history, which makes learning about the past relevant and engaging for our children.