The internet is a huge part of our lives and is essential in 21st century life for education, business and social interaction.
As children grow and develop so does their access to various types of technology. Their need to explore increases and the way they communicate with others changes. The positives of their new digital world do outweigh the negatives but children, schools and parents all need to be aware of all aspects of online risks.
Children have access to online safety lessons and advice in school through online safety sessions, PSHE lessons and access to raise concerns with their teacher. School works very hard to make sure children know how to behave responsibly online as well as understanding when some content is not appropriate for them and how to report this.
If you would like to share any information or require any further support please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher is the first instance who will provide support and speak to Mrs Gemma Robson our Online Safety Lead in school. To speak with a member of staff please call 01912630202.
Online Safety Story Books – Listen to our audio online safety story books with your children.
Online safety Support
There are many websites which will give you advice and support when dealing with an online safety issue and can guide you through how to start conversations with your child about tricky issues.